Edition Book Signed

Zero Mostel Max Waldman Hand Signed First Edition Book Dated 1970

Zero Mostel Max Waldman Hand Signed First Edition Book Dated 1970
Zero Mostel Max Waldman Hand Signed First Edition Book Dated 1970

Zero Mostel Max Waldman Hand Signed First Edition Book Dated 1970

"Zero Mostel" Max Waldman Hand Signed First Edition Book. Photographer who was also well known for his dramatic. Shots on a great range of subjects from football players to immigrants. Known for his portraits of such celebrated ballet dancers as. His books, including "Waldman on Theater" and Waldman on Dance.

His photographs were exhibited in numerous group and one. Man shows in a wide variety of venues, including; the. La Jolla Museum of Art.

Rose Museum of Brandeis University. His work is also found as part of many private and public. Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art.

In New York, and the.

Zero Mostel Max Waldman Hand Signed First Edition Book Dated 1970